Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lucas Is Here!

The last 9 weeks of my pregnancy were definitely crazy ones. Bed rest for 6 weeks and then waiting for the last 3. I had been dilating for 2 cm a week for the last 3 weeks and the doctor was sure he would come any day. Unfortunately I was not having any contractions what so ever. The doctors had been saying the baby would be coming any day since April 8th when I went on bed rest. It seemed like every day that passed by with no baby made me more and more anxious to finally hold him in my arms. After 31 weeks of patiently waiting and 9 weeks of impatiently waiting, 7 cm dilated with no contractions, and a very concerned doctor, my doctor broke my water on my due date. Immediately contractions started and with in 45 minutes I was at a 10. 1.5 hours later, Baby Boy was finally here!

Lucas Allen Gagnon was born June 7, 3:14 PM, 7 lbs 6.4 oz. He has been such a blessing in our lives!!

He is 2.5 weeks old today, 3 weeks on Friday. He is pretty much the most adorable thing ever! He sleeps in the most handsome positions...
2 weeks old

1 week old

1 day old
Kyle and I have no idea why we have been blessed with such a wonderful child but are so grateful for the opportunity. Everyday Lucas gets bigger. His handsome face is maturing from the newborn look way too fast!
Fortunately, Kyle and I have been able to spend the summer in Boise surrounded by family. We have had so much support! Thank you to everyone that has been helping out with our new little family! We love you all!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

So February was wonderful and stressful. I had a surgical cerclage placed to help keep my baby safe in the womb. March ultrasounds proved that the cerclage was holding and doing its job wonderfully. April ultrasounds also have proven the cerclage is holding but it's the only thing holding. I was put on bed a rest a week and half ago until the baby is born. Baby is due June 7. At our visit with the doctor this week, we found out that baby boy may be joining us very soon!! Still no contractions or signs of preterm labor which is excellent! The doc says they may remove the stitch a week earlier than projected meaning we may have a baby in 3 weeks!! I will be 36 weeks along. As soon as the cerclage is removed, I will most likely go into labor shortly after. I guess time will tell.

Kyle and I are so very excited for this little man to come and join our family! We had a wonderful baby shower two weeks ago put on by Connie and Grandma! It was wonderful! We are so grateful for such wonderful family and friends! Not to mention our little man will have plenty of things to keep him warm and comfortable for awhile!

Everyday my love for this baby boy grows so much stronger! I can not wait until I can hold him in my arms! What a blessing!!

Here is the little guy

Turns out if the baby is born early, I could go to Tricia's wedding!! Which will be so exciting! I'm so proud of her and the decisions she has made! What a great example she is for me!

School will be ending soon, like  in 2.5 weeks! Can't believe it! I will be a college graduate with a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering, FE certified ( and maybe even a Mommy too) in 3 weeks! 5 years can go by so quickly! Seems like just yesterday good ol' Dad was dropping be off in Pocatello for the first time! Ah well, I hear life goes by quicker with children so I guess I better get used to it.

Thank you for all of your support! We love you all!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

It's a Boy!!

Kyle and I are having a baby boy in June! We are so very excited! I am 23 weeks along tomorrow and feeling great. No names picked out yet but the list of possibilities are endless :) We will be in Salt Lake over the summer while Kyle embarks on another Pest Control opportunity. Baby boy will be born in Utah. If anyone knows of a good OB in the Salt Lake area, I would be so grateful!

School is going well. Kyle is doing great in all of his classes and really killing that the 4.0. He made the Dean's List last semester and is on track to keep that honor for this semester. I am enjoying my last semester of undergraduate college and am super excited to graduate in May!! Lots of projects to keep me busy.

Kyle and I were venturing out on some new nature walks and we discovered this...
A big FAT beaver!! It was the first one either one of us had ever seen! This guy was drinking water from the river using a reed as a straw. It was pretty cool! Definitely a memorable experience.

Until next time,
Sam and Kyle